

Indentification and characterization of AfsS-p from S. peucetius and comparison of influence of co-expression among AfsK, AfsR, and AfsK into antibiotic production



A global regulatory protein, AfsS-p from S. peucetius was identified by genomic search. Like other homologues, AfsS-p was a small protein consisting of 65 aminoacid, had the repeated conserved sequence, GDHHSPXPP(X is A or V) and enhanced antibiotic production; doxorubicin in S. peucetius and actinorhodin and undecylprodigiosin production in both S. lividans and S. coelicolor. Moreover, we could fine a putative AfsR binding site whose repeated sequence is CGTTCATCG in the promoter region of afsS-p. In order to consider whether co-expression of components from the AfsK-AfsR-AfsR system can lead more antibiotic production than the expression of one component, we made the transformants into which one or two components of this system were overexpressed. Comparing the level of antibiotic production from AfsK, AfsR, AfsS and its combined strains shows that co-expressing components of the AfsK-AfsR-AfsS system does not have the synergistic effect to overproduce more antibiotics than single expression.


  • Woo Seong KIM Dept. of Biological and Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University.
  • Young-Hun YANG Dept. of Biological and Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University.
  • Sailesh MALLA Dept. of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Sun Moon University.
  • Jae-Kyung SONG Dept. of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Sun Moon University.
  • Hee-Chan LEE Dept. of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Sun Moon University.
  • Kwang-Kyung LEU Dept. of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Sun Moon University.
  • Byung-Gee KIM Dept. of Biological and Chemical Engineering, Seoul National University
  • Jae-Kyung SONG Dept. of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Sun Moon University.
  • Hee-Chan LEE Dept. of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Sun Moon University.
  • Kwang-Kyung LEU Dept. of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Sun Moon University.
  • Jae-Kyung SONG Dept. of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Sun Moon University.
  • Hee-Chan LEE Dept. of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Sun Moon University.
  • Kwang-Kyung LEU Dept. of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Sun Moon University.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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