

Deletion of doxorubicin biosynthetic gene clusters from Streptomyces peucetius ATCC 27952 through homologous recombination method



Streptomyces are the well known gram positive bacteria which contribute a large number of secondary metabolites including a number of antitumor drugs. Streptomyces peucetius ATCC 27952 is reported to be only an organism till date to produce anticancer chemotherapeutic doxorubicin. Genome analysis of this strain shows the presence of a large number of gene clusters responsible for doxorubicin production. We describe here the construction of disruption vector by using pKC1139 to delete doxorubicin biosynthetic gene clusters from S. peucetius ATCC 27952.


  • Bijay Singh nstitute of Biomolecule Reconstruction, Sun Moon University
  • Hei Chan Lee Institute of Biomolecule Reconstruction, Sun Moon University
  • Kwangkyoung Liou Institute of Biomolecule Reconstruction, Sun Moon University
  • Jae Kyung Sohng Institute of Biomolecule Reconstruction, Sun Moon University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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