

High-throughput Functional Analysis Using Expressional PCR Coupled with PCR-based Site-directed Mutagenesis



Redesign of the existing natural biological systems requires many components that can be
controlled by purpose. Protein functions as well as regulation mechanisms, first of all, should
be understood in a systematic manner for well-controlled system. Although many methods
are already used to clarify protein functions, they have a limitation on the high-throughput
analysis by reason of the labor-intensive and time-consuming process. In this study, we
developed a rapid and simple method to analyze protein functions efficiently based on the
PCR-based site-directed mutagenesis and the expressional PCR using a coupled in vitro
transcription/translation system derived from E. coli and eGFP (enhanced green fluorescence
protein) gene as a template.1-2) Various deletion mutants showed different fluorescence
activity. The results also showed that this method allows a rapid and simple route for the
functional genetics.


  • Sang Woo Seo Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Jin A Yang Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Gyoo Yeol Jung Department of Chemical Engineering, I-Bio Program, POSTECH


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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