

Hypoglycemic effect of hot-water and ethanol extract of Pleurotus nebrodensis



This study was performed to investigate the hypoglycemic effect of Pleurotus nebrodensis extract in diabetic rat.1) Experimental animals used were alloxan-induced diabetic Sprague-Dawley rats, they were divided in three groups and then tested. The control group were supplied the tap water; the treated groups were supplied hot-water extract (3%, v/v) of P. nebrodensis and ethanol extract (3%, v/v) of P. nebrodensis in the tap water for 21 day. After breeding
for 1, 3, 6, 8, 14 and 21 day for the rats, the tails were cut and the blood glucose levels were measured. The blood glucose level decreased in alloxan-diabetic mice by the administration of with hot-water extract of P. nebrodensis by 16 /dl, 1 /dl, 0 /dl, ㎎ ㎎ ㎎ 13 ㎎/dl, 5 ㎎/dl and 3 ㎎/dl, respectively, compared to the control group of 600 mg/dl. Also, blood glucose
level decreased in alloxan-diabetic mice by administered with ethanol extract of P. nebrodensis by 356.6 ㎎/dl, 335.6 ㎎/dl, 355.2 ㎎/dl, 376.8 ㎎/dl, 385.6 ㎎/dl and 384.6 ㎎/dl, respectively, compared to the control group of 600 mg/dl.


  • Byoung-Rai Lee Department of Biochemistry, Chosun university College of Medicine
  • Hyun-Jae Shin Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Chosun University
  • Wol-Suk Cha Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Chosun University


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