

Fertilizer properties of biodegraded fish-meal wastewater



Aerobic biodegradation was carried out using original fish-meal wastewater (FMW), and successfully carried out in 100-L bioreactor for 3 days. During biodegradation, ORP was maintained at a range of positive values, and this caused a pleasant smell in the end. Eight-folds dilution of the final biodegraded FMW broth gave no phytotoxicity claerly. The amino-acids composition increased from 3.13% to 5.22% by the biodegradation. The total amount of
amino acids in final biodegraded FMW was comparable to that of a commercial fertilizer. The concentrations of N, P and K in biodegraded FMW were in a range of 3.8-6.0%, 2.8-3.0% and 2.1-3.5%, respectively, and the concentrations of all noxious components were much lower than the standard.


  • Soo Kyoung Jeong Department of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Pukyong National University
  • Van Dao Department of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Pukyong National University,
  • Dae Kyun Ko Samrim Corporation, Kimhae, Korea
  • Geon Lee Samrim Corporation, Kimhae, Korea
  • Jun Hwan Jang Samrim Corporation, Kimhae, Korea
  • Joong Kyun Kim Department of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Pukyong National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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