

Reduction of Inhibitive Effects of Methanol on Lipase in a Solvent-free System for Biodiesel Production



Biodiesel, fatty acids methyl esters, is produced by the transesterification reaction between vegetable oils and alcohol, such as methanol which is typically used as the acyl acceptor in chemical processes for biodiesel production. Because of the drawbacks of chemical processes, such as removal of glycerol and alkaline catalyst, enzymatic methods become a promising process to convert vegetative oils into biodiesel. However, methanol inhibition to the lipase activity
reduces the conversion yield and increases the cost of biodiesel production. We have reported the conversion yield of the reaction mixture of methanol and soybean oil with 3:1 molar ratio is extremely low because of deactivation of lipase at high molar ratio of methanol. This study is about how to maintain the methanol concentration at low level to improve the conversion yield of soybean oil into biodiesel. In this study, the stepwise methanolyisis was examined and the
reaction conditions, such as time interval of methanol addition, agitiation speed, and temperature, were investigated.


  • Sang-Min Jung Department of Chemical System Engineering, HongIk University, CHUNGNAM
  • Mi-Young Jung Department of Chemical System Engineering, HongIk University, CHUNGNAM
  • In-Ji Jung Department of Chemical System Engineering, HongIk University, CHUNGNAM
  • Kyungmoon Park Department of Chemical System Engineering, HongIk University, CHUNGNAM


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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