

Aerobic degradation of BTEX by Pseudoxanthomonas sp. BD-a59



Pseudoxanthomonas sp. BD-a59 was isolated from gasoline-contaminated sediment
of a gas station in Geoje and tested abilities to degrade BTEX compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes) as a sole carbon and energy source. The results showed that strain BD-a59 had abilities to degrade benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m-xylene and p-xylene, but not o-xylene. When the initial B, T, E, X concentrations were 50mg/l, strain BD-a59 was able to degrade toluene, ethylbenzene, meta-xylene and p-xylene completely, but degraded
benzene about 70% within 10 days. Moreover, PCR and sequencing approach showed that this strain harbored putative methane/phenol/toluene hydroxygenase (92% sequence identity with Rastonia picketti 12J ) and biphenyl dioxygenase (92% sequence identity with Polaromonas naphthalenivoras CJ2). The degradation patterns and the roles of the bacterium in the gasoline-contaminated sediment for BTEX components will be discussed in detail.


  • Ngoc Thuan Le Division Applied Life Science, EB-NCRC, Gyeongsang National University
  • Minjeong Park Division ApplieMinjeong Parkd Life Science, EB-NCRC, Gyeongsang National University
  • Bok Sil Chung Division ApplieMinjeong Parkd Life Science, EB-NCRC, Gyeongsang National University
  • Che Ok Jeon Division ApplieMinjeong Parkd Life Science, EB-NCRC, Gyeongsang National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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