

Identification and functional gene analysis of a novel subgroup of uncultured gammaproteobacterial glycogen-accumulating organisms in an anaerobic-aerobic activated sludge



GAO, which is closely related to members of the Gammaproteobacteria (GB), has been
proposed as one cause of deteriorations of EBPR by competition with PAO. A new group of GB that was coexisting with PAO was found from a SBR and showed typical GAO properties. Community analysis using 16S rRNA gene revealed that the predominant clones (GB-8) formed a clear distinctive lineage from the reported seven GAO subgroups within the GB group and the known GB and GB_1 (GAOQ989) FISH probes can not target GB-8. MAR/FISH combination approaches showed that the GB-8 subgroup bacteria were coccus (4-5μm) and they were able to uptake acetate under the anaerobic condition and were not uptake phosphate under the aerobic condition, suggesting that the GB subgroup had typical GAO properties. Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), but not polyphosphate granules were detected from the cells by chemical staining methods. GB-8 subgroup microorganisms were sorted and PHA synthase and
polyphosphate kinase gene analyses were carried out using the sorted cells and degenerated primer sets. As the results, only primer sets targeting phaC genes produced PCR amplicons, which can give a clue to explain GAO physiologies.


  • Qian Wang Div. Applied Life Science, EB-NCRC, Gyeongsang National University
  • Shipeng Lu Div. Applied Life Science, EB-NCRC, Gyeongsang National University
  • Che Ok Jeon Div. Applied Life Science, EB-NCRC, Gyeongsang National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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