

Antioxidant effect of vitamin A in STZ-induced diabetic rats



A major cause of diabetes is impaired insulin action. Specially, the liver plays important roles in the absorption, metabolism and excretion of glucose. In early studies, it was found that diabetes mellitus is associated with an increase on the risk of acute liver failure by oxidative stress. In states of oxidative stress, vitamins may have an antioxidant role. In this study, we tested that effect of vitamin A on the risk of acute liver failure induced by diabetes mellitus. The changes in the liver tissue may reflect pathologic alterations during Vitamin A (retinol) treatment. To produce hyperglycemia environment, the rats were injected with STZ. After STZ injection, rats were fed either a retinol contained diet or normal rodent chow. We measured glucose concentrations and body weight to show the diabetes and measured GPT and TG levels to identify liver injury. In addition homogenized liver samples were consecutively undergone IEF and SDS-PAGE. The obtained gels were stained with "silver staining" to visualize the specific proteins. After image analysis, several proteins were found to be significantly changed in comparison to normal and retinol treated groups.


  • Mi-Youn Kim School of Life sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University
  • Ji-Hye Kim School of Life sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University
  • Pan-Kyeom Kim School of Life sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University
  • Hyun-Jung Kim School of Life sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University
  • Chan-Wha Kim School of Life sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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