

Use of Natural Materials for Minimizing Hair Damage and Enhancement of Permanent Wave



Camellia oil, citron oil, and seaweed extract were used to develop functionally active natural materials for permanent wave. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), tensile strength, and the rate of hair expansion were monitored to determine the permanent efficiency and hair damage.
Hair was damaged by permanent wave treatment with thioglycolate and L-cystein. Hair damage with thioglycolate was more severe than that with L-cystein and it could be minimized after treatment with natural materials. With the increase of heat treatment, the hair damage was also
increased. After treatment using camellia oil, the hair damage could be minimized with heat permanent.


  • Seung Jae Moon Department of Cosmetic Materials, Chosun University
  • Jung Heon Lee Department of Chemical Engineering, Chosun University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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