

Real-Time Analysis of Odorant-Induced Intracellular Reactions of Living Olfactory Cells using SPR Biosensor



Surface Plasmon resonance (SPR)-based sensors have been used to detect the binding etween interaction molecules. In this study, the SPR technology was applied to the cell-based measurement of odorant molecules. Human embryonic kidney (HEK)-293 cells were used as a heterologous cell system. An olfactory receptor protein of rats, I7, was expressed on the surface of HEK-293 cells. For targeting and detecting the protein, rho-tag import sequence was fused with the I7 protein. The interactions between HEK-293 cells expressing I7 and octanal; its specific odorant, elicited the change of Ca2+ ions within the cells and hence the change of Ca2+ ions was detected using SPR. This was confirmed by measuring the cytosolic Ca2+ ions using fluorescent calcium indicator. The SPR response induced by octanal in HEK-293 cells expressing I7 was dependent on the dose of octanal. These SPR responses were regarded as a
result of the intracellular signaling triggered by the binding of odorant molecules to the olfactoryreceptors.


  • Sang Hun Lee School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Nano Bioelectronics & Systems Research Center, Seoul National University
  • Eun Hae Oh School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Nano Bioelectronics & Systems Research Center, Seoul National University
  • Hyun Seok Song School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Nano Bioelectronics & Systems Research Center, Seoul National University
  • Tai Hyun Park School of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Nano Bioelectronics & Systems Research Center, Seoul National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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