초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Purpose – This research aims to analyze Korea’s response measures to the reorganization of the global value chain following the US-China trade war. Design/Methodology/Approach – This research analyzed Korea’s response to the reorganization of the global value chain following the US-China trade war through a literature review. Findings – The global trade environment can be summarized as the continuation of the US-China trade dispute, the enforcement of the USMCA for the purpose of reorganizing the supply chain in North America, the formation of economic blocks in the Asia-Pacific region such as the CPTPP and RECP, and the expansion of bilateral FTAs. Countries that have experienced supply chain disruptions due to the US-China trade war are shifting to strategies to secure supply chains with crisis management capabilities and resilience. In order to respond to the newly reorganized GVC system, Korean companies need to keep an eye on the GVC reorganization pattern and establish response strategies. Research Implications – This study examines the impact of the reorganization of the supply chain between the US and China on Korea and the future changes in GVC, and derives policy implications of GVC through a literature review. However, future research requires collecting specific opinions from the field and analyzing problems through surveys and opinions from GVC stakeholders and users. It is expected that this study will minimize investment risks and contribute to the activation of GVC by providing necessary data that can be reflected in the government’s related policies and in the establishment of business operators.