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만해가 말하는 선외선(禪外禪)이라는 것은 만해의 특별한 불교용어지만 참선과 간화선이라는 전통적 선종의 수행방법을 통해 얻는 깨달음과 그 실체가 다르지는 않다. 다만 만해가 선외선을 강조한 것은 깨달은 후에 대중의 세계로 들어가 중생제도에 힘쓰는 대승불교의 실천적 보살행을 강조하기 위함이다. 말년의 만해가 선에 대해 논설과 대중 장편소설을 동시에 발표한 것은 분명한 의도를 갖고 이루어진 문필활동이다. 선의 수행과 실천이 바로 자아의 완성과 실현이고 세상을 바꾸는 힘이라는 것을 증명하는 것이었다. 만해는 선에 관한 논설을 통해 선학자들이 말하는 상도의 선을 넘어서 선외선이라는 자신만의독특한 활선에 관한 개념을 제시하였다. 또 동시에 같은 불교철학을 담고 있는 대중장편소설을 발표함으로써 선적인 언행을 실행하는 인물상을 제시하고 그러한 인물을 통해 종국에는 자아를 완성하고 그것을 실천하는 선의 숨은 참뜻을 드러내었다.
This study aims to reveal the meaning and significance of the term “zen outside zen” as a special concept of the practice of Zen (禪) in life, as claimed by Han Yong-un, and to demonstrate that the motivation for his creation of a feature novel was the practice of “zen outside zen (禪外禪).” Compared to the numerous studies on Han Yong-un’s poetry, literature, independence movement, and Buddhist thought, research on his novels and his full-fledged prehistoric thought remains somewhat inadequate. Han Yong-un did not neglect the practice of Zen meditation and devoted himself to the Zen academy established by Mangong. In Shim Woo-jang (尋牛壯), where he lived during his later years, he dedicated much of his time to writing novels while also diligently publishing Buddhist theories. Han Yong-un’s major Buddhist arguments in the later years of his life were centered on Zen. He developed a logical system starting with the clarification of the concept and significance of Zen, presenting its importance and methods. The publication of an editorial on Zen by Han Yong-un was not a coincidence but an act with clear intent. It was not merely to inform the general public about Zen but to prove that the practice and realization of Zen lead to the completion of the self and serve as a transformative force in the world. Additionally, his Buddhist articles were written in the language of Joseon to ensure accessibility for all, and his novels were a practice of the great Bodhisattva act of “zen outside zen (禪外禪)” as an essential aspect of his creative work.
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Han Yong-un, zen, zen outside zen, Ganhwa-seon, Life seon(zen), popular novel, personality completion