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Purpose – This research aims to analyze the effect of the profile similarity of organizational citizenship behavior between an individual and colleagues on perceived organization support, psychological well-being, and organizational commitment. In doing so, this research implies the importance of profile similarity in the organization and widens the sense of understanding on citizenship behavior. Design/Methodology/Approach – This research model is based on two important approaches of the study on organizational citizenship behavior: multi-dimensionality and relativity. Profile similarity contains features of both. To analyze the effect of profile similarity, the research uses SEM (structural equation modeling), an informative method, to examine the effects of an independent variable on various dependent variables. Findings – The result showed that profile similarity of organizational citizenship behavior has significant effects on all dependent variables. Considering the standardized coefficient of the regression analysis, the profile similarity of organizational citizenship behavior has the highest level of effect on organizational commitment. Research Implications – This research has important implications to researchers in the citizenship behavior field in two aspects. First, the finding points to how important it is to use profile similarity to study the multi-dimensionality of organizational citizenship behavior, and second, the similarity between an individual and colleagues implies the importance of consideration on the relativity of organizational citizenship behavior.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Organizational Citizenship Beahvior, Organizational Commitment, Perceived Organization Support, Profile Similarity, Psychological Well-being