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본 논문은 전후 1950~60년대 인플루엔자 유행기 홍콩에서의 중의약 공급과 이용에 관한 연구이다. 기존의 홍콩 중의학에 대한 평가는 식민지의학에 의해 주변화되고 억압되었다는 서사가 주류를 이룬다. 본 연구는 이와 같은 이분법적인 평가에서 벗어나, 중의학/중의약을 식민당국의 방임주의 가운데 확보된 민간의 자율적 ‘사회문화 공간’으로서 바라본다. 전전 식민 역사와 전후 동아시아 냉전의 지정학 속에 구축된 홍콩의 특수한 사회적, 물질적 환경에 대한 통시적이고 공시적인 시각을 통해 현대 홍콩의 중의학을 재평가하고자 한다. 식민통치가 시작된 이래 중국 전통의학은 근대 서양의학에 의해 주류의학으로서의 자리를 내주고, ‘자생자멸’의 위기에 처하였다. 중의약계는 줄곧 ‘자력갱생’의 길을 도모하였다. 특히 1950년대까지만 하더라도 식민당국은 화인들에 대한 공공 의료 공급의 많은 부분을 자선(charity) 병의원이나 중의약 등 민간에 의지하였고, 실제 1957년과 1968년 신종 인플루엔자 유행기 환자의 폭발적인 증가에 맞닥뜨려 중의약이 활발히 소비되었다. 이를 증명하기에 앞서 본고에서는 먼저 식민지의 중의학 정책과 자생적인 중의약 단체의 형성과 대응을 개괄하였다. 이후 전후 두차례 유행기 중의약이 활발히 소비되었던 양상을 중의사의 진단과 치료, 민간의 중의약 이용 관행, 중국 내지로부터의 중의 약재와 매약의 수입·소비로 나누어 확인하였다. 마지막으로 중의계가 인플루엔자를 통해 질병의 종류와는 상관없이 신체 면역력의 회복과 증후 해소에 효과가 있는 중의약의 유효성을 재확인하였음을 살펴보았다. 결론적으로 식민당국이 ‘근대’ 서양의학과 ‘전통’ 중국의학을 구분하고, 서양의학만을 공식적으로 인정하는 중서의의 위계적인 배치 속에서도, 홍콩 중의계는 전통의학의 병인론을 폐기하지 않으면서도 서의와 중의를 회통시키려는 노력을 경주하였고, 그 결과 혼종적인 중의학이 탄생하였다고 할 수 있다.

This paper examines the supply and utilization of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in Hong Kong during the influenza epidemics of the 1950s and 1960s. Existing narratives of TCM in Hong Kong have predominantly framed with within the dichotomy of Western medicine “Xiyi” and Chinese medicine “Zhongyi,” portraying TCM as marginalized and nearly wiped out by colonial power. Departing from this binary opposition, this study views TCM as an autonomous space that had never been subjugated by the colonial power which opted for minimal interventionist approach toward TCM. By adopting diachronic and synchronic perspectives on Hong Kong's unique environment shaped by its colonial history and the geopolitics of the Cold War in East Asia, particularly its relationships with “China,” this research seeks to reassess the role and status of TCM in post-World War II Hong Kong. In Hong Kong, along with other countries in East Asia, traditional medicine has ceded its position as mainstream medicine to Western medicine. Faced with the crisis of "extinction," Chinese medical professionals, including medical practitioners and merchant groups, persistently sought solidarity and “self-renewal.” In the 1950s and 1960s, the colonial authorities heavily relied on private entities, including charity hospitals and clinics; furthermore, there was a lack of provision of public healthcare and official prevention measures against the epidemic influenza. As such, it is not surprising that the Chinese utilized TCM, along with Western medicine, to contain the epidemics which brought about an explosive surge in the number of patients from novel influenza viruses. TCM was significantly consumed during these explosive outbreaks of influenza in 1957 and 1968. In making this argument, this paper firstly provides an overview of the associations of Chinese medical practitioners and merchants who were crucial to the development of TCM in Hong Kong. Secondly, it analyzes one level of active provision and consumption of Chinese medicine during the two flu epidemics, focusing on the medical practices of TCM practitioners in the 1957 epidemic. While recognizing the etiologic agent or agents of the disease as influenza viruses, the group of Chinese medical practitioners of the Chinese Medical Society in Hong Kong adopted the basic principles of traditional medicine regarding influenza, such as Shanghanlun and Wenbingxue, to distinguish the disease status among patients and prescribe medicine according to correct diagnoses, which were effective. Thirdly, this paper examines the level of folk culture among the people, who utilized famous prescriptions of Chinese herbal medicine and alimentotherapy, in addition to Chinese patent medicines imported from mainland China. In the context of regional commercial network, this section also demonstrates how Hong Kong served as a sole exporting port of medicinal materials (e.g., Chinese herbs) and Chinese patent medicines from the People’s Republic of China to capitalist markets, including Hong Kong, under the socialist planned or controlled economy in the 1950s and 1960s. It was not only the efficacy of TCM in restoring immunity and alleviating symptoms of the human body, but also the voluntary efforts of these Chinese medical practitioners who sought to defend national medicine “Guoyi,” positioning it as complementary and alternative medicine to scientific medicine. Additionally, merchants who imported and distributed Chinese medicinal materials and national “Guochan” Chinese patent medicine played a crucial role, as did the people who utilized Chinese medicine, all of which contributed to making TCM thrive in colonial Hong Kong.