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雨坪 黃麟老(1785~1830)는 18~19세기 상주를 중심으로 활동한 영남학파 남인이다. 立齋 鄭宗魯의 문인이고, 嶺南 三文章 중 한 사람이며, 문장은 六經古文과 百家를 바탕에 두었다. 저서로 『雨坪遺稿』와 『팔연문』이 있다. 『팔연문』은 황인로가 1829년에 자신의 저술과 삶 가운데 ‘衍文’이라 생각하는 것 8종을 모아 편찬한 책이다. 본고에서는 그의 아들 黃萬善이 眉叟篆으로 쓴 정사본을 다루었다. 연문 8종은 「東箴」, 「景嶽」, 「愚頌」, 姓銜을 析字한 것, 篆書로 필사한 것, 「八衍文序」, ‘팔연문’이라 제목 붙인 것, 본인이다. 황인로에게 연문이란 자신을 온전히 할 수 있도록 보충해주는 것으로, 그저 군더더기가 아닌 ‘천성, 가문, 취미’ 등으로 모두 황인로의 정체성을 나타내는 것들이다.

Woopyong Hwang In-ro (1785~1830) is a scholar and poet of 18-19th century. His most activities took place in Yeongnam region and thus he is the member of Yeongnam School, under Ipjae Jeong Jong-roh. He was recognized as ‘The Best Three Yeongnam Writers’, and his writings were based on Classical style of Six Cannons(六經古文) and Hundred Schools(百家). He left Woopyong-Yugo and Palyeonmun. Palyeonmun is a book of eight ‘surpluses(衍文)’ he chose from his writings or life itself. Hwang took the reference from Kim Jin-heung’s Jeondaehak, and transcribed them in the seal script(篆書體). Unfortunately the manuscript originally written by Hwang is no longer extant, but a elaborate copy, by his eldest son Hwang Man-seon, is currently in the collection of Kyemyeong University. Hwang Man-seon transcribed this book into seal script of Misu(眉叟篆). As appendix, there are comparisons and analyses of the script styles(字體) of Kim Jin-heung, Misu Heo Mok, or from classical texts. In the postscript there is a record indicating that this book is granted to younger brother Hwang Nan-seon in 1853. The eight subjects defined as ‘surplus’ by Hwang In-ro includes "Dongjam", "Gyeongok", "Oosong", reading his own fortune by dividing characters of last and first name(析字), transcribing Palyeonmun in seal script, writing the preface for Palyeonmun, putting title as Palyeonmun, and Hwang In-ro himself. The contents are not just ‘surplus’ but the description of Hwang In-ro's identity, such as inherent virtues, space for poetic meeting in family, attitude as a outside scholar, addict and elegance preference.