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Since the end of the Cold War, the U.S., as a global superpower, has formulated diplomatic policies based on safeguarding liberal democracy and spreading democratic values. However, following the Arab Spring, the Middle East region has been plagued by increasing turmoil, becoming a battleground where Russia, China, and the U.S. compete to enhance their influence. Even the Gulf countries, key security partners of the U.S., have attempted to diversify their security partnerships and move away from reliance on the U.S.. In August 2023, BRICS accepted Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, and Egypt as new members. China and Russia are actively seeking an alternative to the U.S.-led international order and striving to expand the influence of the ‘Global South.’ Various analyses have been presented regarding the expansion of BRICS membership. Still most of them come from the perspectives of China, Russia, or the U.S. There is a lack of research on the perspectives and motivations of Middle Eastern states and their background for joining BRICS. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the background and context of why major Middle Eastern states have joined BRICS. Specifically, it will examine how major Middle Eastern states diversify their security efforts within the multipolar international order and discuss how they intend to utilize BRICS to strengthen their economic security. The study will shed light on the security and economic calculations behind the Middle Eastern states' decision to join BRICS and their efforts to enhance their security and economic well-being in a multipolar world order.

BRICS의 회원국 확대를 두고 다양한 분석이 제시되고 있으나, 대다수 중국이나 러시아의 정책 분석 또는 미국의 대외정책 입장에서 서술되고 있다. 아직까지 사우디아라비아나 이란, UAE, 이집트의 입장이나가입 배경을 연구한 결과물은 미진한 상태다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 중동내 주요 국가들이 어떠한 안보적·경제적 셈법을 바탕으로 BRICS에 가입하게 되었는지 그 배경과 맥락을 이론적 토대를 바탕으로 분석할 것이다. 특히 중동 주요 국가들이 우크라이나 전쟁 및 미·중 경쟁 구도 심화로 다극화된 국제 질서에 어떻게 대응하는지, 어떠한 외교 전략을 통해 안보 다각화 노력을 기울이는지 살펴볼 것이다. 더불어 중동 주요 국가들이 자국의 경제 안보 강화를 위해 BRICS를 어떻게 활용하고자 하는지에 대한논의도 도출할 것이다.