초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The study seeks to answer if there are any differences in the first uptake after receiving two types of feedback (WCF vs. reformulations) and in the second uptake after participating in the whole-class discussion and Q&A session. The participants were thirteen Korean adult EFL learners with low or intermediate English proficiency. The findings indicated that the 2nd uptake was significantly higher than the first one, regardless of feedback type. Regarding the categories of uptake, student uptake primarily occurred in lexis and form in both 1st and 2nd uptake. Secondly, the student uptake in the reformulation condition significantly exceeded that in WCF, regardless of their proficiency levels. In addition, the student uptake was more evident in form and mechanics in the WCF condition, but in lexis and discourse in the reformulation condition. Finally, the intermediate-level students exhibited a higher uptake compared to the low-level students. The intermediate-level students demonstrated relatively higher uptake in lexis, form, and discourse while the low-level students showed more uptake in mechanics. The study concludes with pedagogical implications based on the findings.