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본 연구는 2023년 행정법 각론 분야에서 선고된 대법원 판결 가운데 법률실무나 학계에서 주목할 만한 판례 10건을 선정하여 그 의미를 해석하고 평석하였다. 선정한 판례들은, ① 조례의 규율 범위와 한계(대법원 2023. 7. 13. 선고 2022추5149 판결), ② 「군인사법」상 계급별 연령정년의 연장 여부 및 그 범위(대법원 2023. 3. 13. 선고 2020두53545 판결), ③ 「부정청탁 및 금품등 수수의 금지에 관한 법률」상 금품수수가 예외적으로 허용되는 ‘통상적인 범위’의 기준(대법원 2023. 3. 30. 선고 2022두59783 판결), ④ 공무원 의제 규정과 「국가공무원법」 제66조 제1항의 적용 범위(대법원 2023. 4. 13. 선고 2021다254799 판결), ⑤ 재건축사업에서 수인의 토지등소유자 간 조합원 자격의 결정(대법원 2023. 6. 29. 선고 2022두56586 판결), ⑥ 재개발조합설립 단계에서 ‘지분 쪼개기’ 방식을 통해 늘린 토지등소유자 수의 규제(대법원 2023. 8. 18. 선고 2022두51901 판결), ⑦ 「건축법」상 건축신고 수리처분과 「국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률」상 토지형질변경허가의 관계(대법원 2023. 9. 21. 선고 2022두31143 판결), ⑧ 교육활동 침해행위인 반복적인 부당한 간섭의 판단(대법원 2023. 9. 14. 선고 2023두37858 판결), ⑨ 대북전단 살포를 이유로 한 법인설립허가취소(대법원 2023. 4. 27. 선고 2023두30833 판결), ⑩ 공익신고를 이유로 한 불이익조치 추정의 번복(대법원 2023. 6. 15. 선고 2022두66576 판결) 등에 관한 것이다.

This study aims to review the contents and meanings of 10 notable precedents in the field of individual administrative law which were decided in the Supreme Court in 2023. The precedents selected are as follows: ① Scope and limits of municipal ordinance(Supreme Court Decision 2022Chu5149 Decided July 13, 2023), ② Extension of the retirement age for each rank and its scope under the 「Military Personnel Management Act」(Supreme Court Decision 2020Du53545 Decided March 13, 2023), ③ Criteria for the ‘normally accepted range’ in which receipt of money and goods is exceptionally permitted under the 「Improper Solicitation And Graft Act」(Supreme Court Decision 2022Du59783 Decided March 30, 2023), ④ Provision of legal fiction as public officials and scope of application of Article 66, Paragraph 1 of the 「State Public Officials Act」(Supreme Court Decision 2021Da254799 Decided April 13, 2023), ⑤ Determination of qualifications for members of the association among multiple owners of a plot of land or structure in a reconstruction project(Supreme Court Decision 2022Du56586 Decided June 29, 2023), ⑥ Regulation on the increase in the number of owners of a plot of land or structure through the ‘Dividing Shares’ method at the stage of establishing a redevelopment association(Supreme Court Decision 2022Du51901 Decided August 18, 2023), ⑦ Relationship between acceptance of notification of building construction under the 「Building Act」 and permission for changes in the form and quality of any land under the 「National Land Planning And Utilization Act」(Supreme Court Decision 2022Du31143 Decided September 21, 2023), ⑧ Determination of repeated unjust interference as a disruption of educational activities(Supreme Court Decision 2023Du37858 Decided September 14, 2023), ⑨ Cancellation of permission for incorporation of juristic person due to disseminating leaflets against North Korea(Supreme Court Decision 2023Du30833 Decided April 27, 2023), ⑩ Reversal of the presumption of disadvantageous measures due to whistleblowing disclosure(Supreme Court Decision 2022Du66576 Decided June 15, 2023).