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Kim, Hyejeong. “A Study on the Development of major competencies Diagnostic Tools for Children’s English Education: Focusing on K Women’s University.” Modern Studies in English Language & Literature 68.1 (2024): 61-78. The purpose of this study is to develop the major competencies of the G department. It will do this by linking the core competencies of K Women’s University with the major competencies of major subjects. Additionally, this study aims to conduct a self-diagnosis of the major competencies of students. A survey was carried out on 31 first and second-year students in Department G. The collected data underwent a data coding process. Descriptive statistics and independent sample testing using the SPSS v.21.0 statistical program were performed to conduct Levene's equal variance test F and significance probability analysis. The average achievement of the three significant competencies of Department G was analyzed to be 3.89. Among the major competencies, the creative convergence competency was found to be the highest with an average of 4.24. In addition, within the detailed competency analysis of major competencies, the highest performances were shown to be understanding multiculturalism in the development of convergence English curriculum, application of early English education in creative English education implementation, and interpersonal competency in creative convergence competency. This tool can be used as an example to evaluate the competency level of both the department's major field and individual students. Providing feedback on the current students using this tool is expected to aid in curriculum reform and development. Additionally, it can be used as a benchmark to identify systematic improvements in major education and help create annual plans for the department. (Kwangju Women’s University)