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식민지 조선의 교육기관 정비는 조선총독부의 정책적 목표와 지역민의 열망이 투영된 중요한 사업이었다. 그러나 그 과정은 순탄하게 흘러가지 않았다. 토지 매입을 둘러싼 학교 운영자와 지주의 대립이 비일비재하게 일어났다. 교지문제의 해결책으로 등장한 것이 바로 「土地收用令」이었다. 적용 양상을 살펴보면, 교육기관이 확충되고 부동산 가격이 요동치는 1920년대 초반과 1930년대 중・후반을 필두로 증가하는 경향이 나타났다. 주요 무대는 경성을 중심으로 한 도시 지역이었다. 종류는 초등교육기관이 대부분을 차지했고 주체는 부의 비중이 두드러졌다. 필지는 1~3필지가 절반을 상회했다. 한편 「토지수용령」이 적용된 이후에는 도지사의 재결 절차가 개시되었는데, 결과는 학교 운영자의 일방적인 승리로 끝났다. 보상금을 책정하는 기준으로 사용 가치만을 준용한다는 방침이 내부적으로 존재했기 때문이다. 이 원칙은 조선총독의 재정 단계까지 이어졌다. 그 결과 생활권에 기초한 지주의 이의 제기는 수포로 돌아갔다.

The improvement of educational institutions in colonial Korea was a major undertaking that reflected the policy will of the Japanese Government-General of Korea and the aspirations of the local people. However, the process was not without its challenges. It was not uncommon for landowners to refuse to sell their land despite persuasion from school operators. There was a significant gap between the school operators, who relied on use value, and the landowners, who used exchange value as the only measure of value. To resolve this conflict, the 「土地收用令」 emerged. Its application tended to increase in the early 1920s and mid-to-late 1930s, when educational institutions were expanding and real estate prices were fluctuating. The main stage was urban areas centered on Gyeongseong(京城). By type, elementary schools accounted for the majority, and the prefecture(府) was the dominant entity. As for the number of parcels, one to three parcels accounted for more than half. On the other hand, after the 「土地收用令」 was applied, the process of re-decision by the governor(道知事) began. At issue was compensation, which ended in a one-sided victory for the school operator. This was because the policy was to use the value of use as the basis for compensation. This principle was carried over to the financial level of the governor- general of Korea. The landowner's appeal based on the right to live was rejected. The 「土地收用令」 was the epitome of institutionalized violence in the name of public interest.