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본 연구는 제주4·3체험담에 등장하는 팽나무 이야기의 서사적 특징을 검토하고, 그 전승적 의미를 규명한 것이다. 특히, 전국적인 당나무 설화가 제주4·3사건과 결부되면서 빚어진 변화 양상에 주목하여, 팽나무 이야기를 분석하였다. 우선 ‘수호형’ 팽나무 이야기가 나무의 영험성을 현시하되, 강한 정치적 의미를 품고 있다는 점에 주목하였다. 마을 수호라는 의미를 지니되, ‘폭도’로부터 마을을 지켰다고 하여 무장대를 적대시했기 때문이다. 이런 점에서 이 유형 이야기는 군경의 입장에서 배타적으로 좌익을 불온시했다는 의미가 있다. 다음으로 ‘동티형’ 이야기의 경우, 일제 강점기에 면(읍)장의 팽나무 훼손 및 동티 사건의 소환을 4·3 당시 이장의 악정뿐 아니라 군경의 만행을 폭로하고 비판한 것으로 보았다. 요컨대 제주4·3체험담에 기입된, 팽나무 이야기에서는 제주4·3 당시 무장대를 폭도로 몰고 제주민을 학살한 군경에 대한 비판 의식이 강하게 드러난다. 그런 점에서 이를 전승하는 자들은 제주4·3을 심각한 정치적 갈등뿐 아니라 군경을 앞세운 국가 폭력으로 기억한다고 할 수 있다.

I examined the narrative characteristics of the Hackberry Stories that appears in the Jeju4·3 Experience Stories and identified the meaning of the tradition in this study. In particular paying attention to the changes that occurred as the national stories of Guardian Tree of the Town was linked to the Jeju4·3 Incident, analyzed the Hackberry Stories. First, attention was paid to the fact that ‘Guardian Type’ of Hackberry Tree Stories reveals the tree’s magical properties, but has strong political meaning. Although it had the meaning of protecting the village, it was hostile to the armed band because it was said to protect the village from ‘riots’. In this respect, it can be said that this type of storis played the role of exclusively discrediting the left wing from the perspective of the military and police. Next, in the case of the ‘Retribution from the Earth Gods Type’ stories, the recall of the damage to the Hackberry tree and the Retribution incident by the heads of the village during the Japanese colonial era were seen as exposing and criticizing the massacre of the military and police as well as the village heads who represented the position of the military and police at the Jeju4·3 Incident. In short, the Hackberry Tree Stories written in the Jeju 4·3 Experience Stories clearly shows a strong sense of criticism toward the military and police who called the armed forces at the Jeju4·3 Incident into rioters and massacred Jeju residents. In that respect, it can be said that those who pass down the stories remember Jeju4·3 Incident not only as a serious political conflict, but also as a state violence led by the military and police.