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The purpose of this paper is to examine the meaning and importance of building relationships, empathy and good adults in the education of youth with relationship problems. To achieve this, the main characters of the novel Lonely Castle in the Mirror (Tsujimura, 2018) will be analyzed, which directly addresses the issue of ‘school refusal,’ a serious social problem in Japan. As Japan’s situation is similar to Korea’s, it can serve as a reference for solving youth problems in Korea. Students sometimes refuse to go to school for personal reasons, but sometimes they refuse to go to school due to external factors. In this paper, I focus on the emotional aspects of teenagers experiencing relationship problems and show that building new relationships, experiencing empathy, and waiting and withstanding from good adults are factors that can heal their pain. This experience (Building Relationships, Empathy and Good Adults) will not only build their confidence, but also give them the courage to break out of the world they have trapped themselves in.