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Furniture design transcends mere functionality and aesthetics; it should also respond and adapt to the diversity of family lifestyles. As family structures evolve and children progress through different stages of growth, the lifestyles and needs of family members undergo significant changes, profoundly influencing the requirements and trends in furniture design. However, current market offerings often fail to adequately consider the unique functional and safety needs of children at various developmental stages, somewhat limiting innovation and practicality in furniture design. This study aims to delve into the lifestyle behavioral changes of children from infancy to adolescence and how these changes prompt a more humane and adaptive direction in furniture design. Through multi-stage behavioral analysis and case studies, this research reveals the impact of children's needs at different ages on furniture design and how innovative design can meet these needs while achieving long-term use and environmental sustainability. The findings suggest that innovating furniture design to cater to age-specific needs (such as adjustability, multifunctionality, durability, and safety) is not only feasible but necessary. Moreover, this study proposes a series of flexible design strategies aimed at meeting long-term family needs while considering environmental protection and economic benefits. These strategies enable furniture design to better adapt to changes in family life and, to some extent, promote sustainable development in the furniture industry, offering valuable insights for future innovation and practice in furniture design.