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In this article, I would like to specifically analyze director Park Chan-wook’s film Decision to Leave within its characteristics as a romantic thriller. The combination of romance and thriller is effective in maximizing tension in the film and creating a twist in the narrative. The main characters, Hae-joon and Seo-rae, feel love during the interrogation process in the relationship between an investigator and a suspect. This process is mediated through gaze and language, creating an mood of tension and love that is unique to the film. In the film, gaze is an element that organizes the complex emotions of two people into a visible space frame, and language acts as an important qualitative element that brings to life the emotions they feel within that visible frame. The variously divided gaze framing and language prevent the two people from properly looking at each other and fully recognizing otherness in their relationship between statements and the seret language of love. In addition, in these cinematic devices, the audience becomes an observer looking at the multi-layered framing on the screen, not only watching the process of two people reaching catastrophe in their tangled emotions, but also ultimately seeing the issue of life and death through their relationship. And in the process, the subject once again looks back on the desire for love that must be newly recognized.