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According to the research, all the translations of Mathematical terms in the Chinese translation of the Ji He Yuan Ben in Ming and Qing Dynasty adopt Liberal translation. Some translation of mathematical terms exists the problem of multiple translations of a word, Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi’s collaborated on the translation of the mathematical terms most in use today. In the purely Liberal translation of the words translated by Matteo Ricci in collaboration with Xu Guangqi, borrowed and transplanted words are the most used today. In Literal translation words, two-syllable Literal translation words are the most used today. This was due to the impact of the principle of naturalization, influence of traditional systems theory thinking and the restriction of Chinese disyllabic law. The Mathematical terms translated by Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi had a significant impact on the choice and creation of mathematical translations for later generations: establishes a predominantly Liberal translation of mathematical terms, pay attention to the combination of traditional Chinese knowledge, according to the need to create three syllables and more than three syllable translation words and lay emphasis on the systematic translation of words, etc.