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The new biography of Jin Yunqiao published in the 19th year of Si De of Vietnam (1866) is the earliest version of “The New Jin Yun Qiao Biography” discovered at present. The text of “The New Jin Yun Qiao Biography” is divided into two columns, the upper column is a six-character poem, and the lower column is an eight-character poem, with a total of 2390 sentences and 16724 muttering words. The relationship between Nom characters in the book and Vietnamese recorded is complex. Through investigation, there are three situations: one word with many words, one word with many words and one word with one word. There are many words in a word, which can be subdivided into homophones, near sounds and different meanings, and near sounds and near meanings according to the sound and meaning relationship between words. According to the relationship between characters and their use functions, the word multi-character can be subdivided into “native use-native use”, “native use-borrowing” and “borrowing use-borrowing”. Word by word, according to the different use attributes, can be divided into two categories: “original use” and “borrowing”. The reason for the complex relationship between words and characters is related to the low standardization of Nom and Vietnamese. A Nom has many written variants, and a Vietnamese vocabulary has many phonetic expressions.