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The purpose of this study is to investigate the individual variables of hotel employees’ customer dysfunctional behavior, job burnout, job stress and counterproductive work behavior, and further to analyze their relationships comprehensively. For this study, a questionnaire survey of employees who served for five-star hotels located in Seoul was conducted, and as for the sampling method, convenience sampling was used. The results of hypothesis testing are as follows: First, it was found that custom dysfunctional behavior perceived by hotel employees had significant positive (+) effects on job burnout, showing that the higher their perceived customer dysfunctional behavior, the higher their job burnout. Second, it was found that custom dysfunctional behavior perceived by hotel employees had significant positive (+) effects on job stress, showing that the higher their perceived customer dysfunctional behavior, the higher their job stress. Third, it was found that the hotel employees’ job burnout had significant positive (+) effects on their counterproductive work behavior. Finally, it was found that the hotel employees’ job stress had significant positive (+) effects on their counterproductive work behavior. Based on the results of this study, hotel companies need to introduce a human resource management system that can improve organizational performance by providing counseling and education programs to reduce job burnout and job stress of employees.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
customer dysfunctional behavior, job burnout, job stress, counterproductive work behavior