초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study is to carry out specific discussions on the direction of Jeju Olle development through the presentation and realization of a specific image of the nature of Jeju seen through the value of Jeju's creative goddess. This study discusses the development direction of the Jeju tourism industry through the discussion of the creative goddess culture with unique values of Jeju. Jeju Island, as the hometown of mythology, is unique in that most of the gods are composed of goddesses. Goddess culture can be said to be a special value unique to Jeju Island as a value of matrilineal society in the Neolithic Age. The core elements of the nature of Jeju identified through the culture of the Jeju Creation Goddess include the vitality of the land, subjective femininity, altruistic maternal love, equal compromise, closeness between humans and nature, and sacredness of nature. Despite the long and arduous journey of the Camino de Santiago, hikers have a sacred and holy experience towards their destination rather than complaining. On the other hand, Jeju Olle hikers complain of various inconveniences. This means that Jeju Olle brought only the motif of ‘road’ from the Santiago pilgrimage route. The pilgrimage route to Santiago does not mean a simple ‘road’, but has symbolic images, sacredness, and storytelling of holiness that can be recognized as the hardships and journeys of life. Santiago hikers experience joy in the process of realizing the special image and value of the pilgrimage route. This means that Jeju Olle needs to build values and images of sanctity, holiness, and mystery through storytelling using the Jeju creation goddess.