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The purpose of the study was to confirm the information technology properties of smart tourism and empirically verify whether a causal relationship exists among the smart tourism technologies, destination image, attitude, and satisfaction of smart tourists. A total of 255 samples were selected for the study after conducting a survey of tourists using smart devices from September 1 to 15 in Jeju island. The results of this study are as follows: First, among the information technology attributes of smart tourism, the interaction and informativeness factor did not have a statistically significant effect on the destination image, while other personalization and accessibility factors were found to have a statistically significant positive effect on destination image. Second, the interaction and informativeness, accessibility, and personalization factors were all analyzed to have a statistically significant positive effect on attitude. Third, all three information technology attributes were found to have a statistically significant positive effect on satisfaction. Fourth, it was found that the destination image factor had a statistically significant positive effect on satisfaction. Fifth, the attitude factor was found to have a statistically significant positive effect on satisfaction. The implication of this study is that smart tourists should be able to quickly access travel information content combined with information technology in real time without space constraints. an artificial intelligence based information delivery system using big data is required to provide customized content suitable for each tourist's individual needs.