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The ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, known as Russo-Ukrainian War, has garnered significant interest from various sectors of society, especially following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Presidential discourses, representing the stance of a specific political entity, can accurately reflect a particular country’s position on a politically sensitive issue. The current study aims to conduct a critical discourse analysis to examine how President Biden legitimized the United States’ role in Russo-Ukrainian War with the help of Van Leeuwen’s (2008) legitimation discursive strategy. The major findings of the present study reveal that the strategy most commonly employed is Authorization, followed by Moral Evaluation and Rationalization. Mythopoesis rarely appears in this process. In terms of overall polarity, both legitimation and delegitimation strategies are utilized. Legitimation strategy is predominantly employed to portray a positive image of the United States, while delegitimation strategies are utilized to depict the immoral image of Russia and Putin. Each legitimation and delegitimation strategy in the framework also contains various sub-strategies with different predispositions. These variations in tendencies and distributions are interpreted in relation to the construction of the national image of the United States, as well as its national interests.