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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of three factors(seamlessness, consistency, and optimization) related to omni-channel firm’s organizational structure on consumer evaluation(holistic customer experience and usefulness perception) and continuous use intention toward omni-channel services. Research design, data, and methodology: Previous studies on the characteristics of omni-channel from the organizational structure perspective, consumer evaluation in the context of omni-channel, and continuous use intension of omni-channel services are reviewed. The relationship between three types of omni-channel organizational structure characteristics and two types of consumer evaluation and continuous use intention toward omni-channel service was tested with a structural equation model. Data were collected from an online survey and a total of 188 responses were used for the analysis. First, an exploratory factor analysis was performed to confirm reliability and validity. Second, a confirmatory factor analysis was conducted based on the reliability and exploratory factor analysis results. Finally, by checking the discriminant validity, we empirically tested hypotheses after comparing the correlation value with the root average variance extracted. Results: Based upon empirical evidence on a survey of 188 participants, this study shows that two types of omni-channel structure such as consistency and optimization are positively related to HCE. Second, among three factors of omni-channel structure, seamlessness and optimization have a positive impact on perceived usefulness. Third, HCE has a positive impact on perceived usefulness and continuos use intention. Finally, perceived usefulness has a positive impact on continuous use intention. Implications: Based on these results, theoretical discussions as well as practical implications for the firms invested in building omni-channel organizational structure, who consider long-term performance have been suggested.