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이이(李珥) 사후 선조는 이이와 비견하여 식견이 높고 실무 능력이 탁월한 인물이 필요했다. 1580년대 이후로 여러 인물이 선조에게 쓰임을 받았다. 유성룡 역시 그 중 한 인물이었다. 선조대 전 시기를 놓고 볼 때 유성룡은 선조대 조정에서 중요한 위치를 차지한 인물이었다. 특히 전쟁 시기 영의정으로서 그의 대내외적 활동을 주목할 만하다. 하지만 유성룡이 선조대 초반부터 중용(重用)된 것은 아니었다. 1580년대 후반까지 유성룡은 조정에 출사하라는 왕명을 받고도 한동안 향리(鄕里)에 머무르고 있었다. 1588년(선조 21)을 거쳐 유성룡은 조정에 다시 출사하기 시작했고, 1589년(선조 22) 10월 기축옥사(己丑獄事)를 처리하는 과정에서 공적을 인정받아 의정대신에 오를 수 있었다. 이 시기 조정 내 유성룡의 위상은 의정대신으로까지 높아졌으나, 아직 그의 재능이 완전히 드러난 것은 아니었다. 유성룡의 진면목은 1592년(선조 25) 이산해가 면직된 후 본격적으로 드러날 수 있었다. 선조대 전체의 맥락 속에서 유성룡을 제대로 이해하기 위해서는 1580년대에서 1590년대로 연결되는 유성룡의 처세와 선조의 중용 과정이 우선적으로 검토되어야 한다.

After Yi Yi (李珥) died, Seonjo (宣祖) needed an intelligent and brilliant subject who could match Yi Yi in his skill at dealing with the government’s pressing issues. Yu Seongryong (柳成龍) was recognised for his astuteness at that time. In the later period of Seonjo’s reign, Yu Seongryong held an important position in Seonjo’s court and, in particular, his career as the prime minister was noted during the Imjin war both in Joseon and abroad. However, Yu Seongryong was not appointed to a high rank in the early period of Seonjo’s reign. Until the late 1580s, Yu did not take up public duty in Seonjo’s court and stayed in his hometown. He had taken a step back from court in around 1584. In 1588, Yu resumed his public service and, after a couple of years, he was appointed as a member of the Ministry of the State Council, Ujeongbu (의정부) through the process to deal with the investigation for the Gichuk (己丑) purge. Although Yu’s position was elevated as a member of the Ministry of the State Council, his ability was not yet demonstrated. Yu was able to prove his real worth in Seonjo’s court after Yi Sanhae (李山海), the prime minister, was dismissed from his office in 1592 because he was blamed for not preventing the outbreak of the Imjin war. In order to understand Yu Seongryong clearly in the context of Seonjo’s period, Yu’s selection and behaviour from the 1580s to 1590s, followed by Seonjo’s appointment of Yu to the position of prime minister, must be examined first.