초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study aims to identify the background and characteristics of Hyungok(Yoon Gil-Young, 1911-1987)’s 'Oriental Physiology' by analyzing the formation of his knowledge system through his papers and books. The background of the knowledge system that synthesized his writings on 'Oriental Physiology' and 'Oriental Pathology' into 'Dongeuihak Methodology' was identified. his writings on 'Basic course-Clinical course Cooperation in medical education' and 'Korean-Western medicine Cooperation in clinic' shed light on the characteristics of Korean medicine in contrast to Western medicine. By quantitatively analyzing the concepts of 'BonHan', 'BonYul', and 'BonHeo' presented in Hyungok's last book 'Dongeui Clinical Pharmacology', using a quantitative method, we examined the characteristics and meaning of Hyungok's clinic based theoretical system. This study confirms the importance of 'Traditional Korean Medical Physiology' as a fundamental course in the Korean Medicine curriculum and reevaluates Hyungok's theoretical system in relation to drug treatment.