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본 연구의 목적은 「장애인 등에 대한 특수교육법」시행령의 일부 개정으로, 중도중복장애 특수교육대상자 기준이 마련됨에 따라 특수교육지원센터의 중도중복장애 특수교육대상자 진단·평가 실태 및 진단·평가 관련 특수교사의 지원 요구를 알아보는 것이다. 연구 방법은 특수교육지원센터에서중도중복장애 특수교육대상자로 의뢰된 학생에 대해 진단·평가 경험이 있는 특수교사 5명을 대상으로 개별 면담한 후 지속적 비교법으로 면담 전사 자료를 분석하였다. 연구 결과 중도중복장애 진단· 평가 관련 특수교사의 인식과 경험, 특수교육지원센터의 진단·평가 과정 및 실태, 중도중복장애 진단· 평가 과정에서 겪은 어려움, 그에 따른 지원 요구 등을 4개의 범주와 9개의 하위 범주, 19개의 의미단위로 도출하였다. 결론적으로 중도중복장애 선정기준에 대한 법적 기준의 모호함과 이에 대한 교사의 인식 부족 및 지침의 미비함으로 진단·평가 과정에서 다양한 어려움을 가지고 있으며, 중도중복장애 선정에 관한 현실적인 행정적 재정적 지원을 요구하고 있었다.

The purpose of this research is to present what systematic supports special education teachers demand with reference to evaluation, diagnosis, and selection of students with severe and multiple disabilities as well as the actual administration at Special Education Support Centers. It has been due to the partial revision of Enforcement Decree of Act on special education for persons with disabilities, etc., and therefore the establishment of an additional clause to include severe and multiple disabilities as one of the criteria for Article 15 of the Act. Qualitative methodologies were used for this research, conducting individual interviews of five special education teachers who had experiences in administering assessments and evaluations of students with severe and multiple disabilities in order to determine their special educational needs. The transcribed data of the interviews were then analyzed with the constant comparative analysis. The research findings were categorized into 4 categories, 9 subcategories, and 19 semantic units, the 4 categories being 1) awareness and experiences of special education teachers in relation to severe and multiple disabilities, 2) the process and actual administration of evaluation and diagnosis of the disabilities at Special Education Support Centers, 3) challenges in evaluation and diagnosis of students with severe and multiple disabilities, and 4) systematic supports that special education teachers demand to overcome the challenges. In conclusion, in the process of evaluating and diagnosing students with severe and multiple disabilities, special education teachers deal with various challenges such as ambiguity of legal requirements for diagnosis and selection, lack of awareness in teachers about the legal selection criteria for the students, and the absence of clear guidelines. Therefore, they strongly demand administrative and financial supports that are more practical.