초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study examined the impoliteness inherent in honorifics (in the Japanese language) with a focus on types of face-threatening acts. The results showed that the impoliteness of honorifics was found in face-threatening speech acts such as assertion of evaluation, restriction of action, stimulation of emotion, confrontation, and self-display. Moreover, it was confirmed that such impoliteness arises from the speaker’s intention in utterance implied in the marked use of honorifics. Meanwhile, there was a significantly higher percentage of assertion of evaluation than other types, suggesting that impoliteness is formed based on the negative evaluation of the other party. Furthermore, it was also discovered that impoliteness is related to the action of power. The speaker shows impoliteness when such an environment is created by the conflict of interest between the speaker and the listener, and it could be equally observed in all types that the speaker tries to achieve the purpose of utterance by exercising the power that intervenes. Finally, the study suggests that this action of power is related to dignity among the functions and effects of honorifics.