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Vocabulary is structurally separated according to whether individual words form groups based on their meaning or not. Ibsen's famous so-called Feld or Wortfeld theory is an approach to reveal the structure of the whole vocabulary by studying the properties of detailed words belonging to a vocabulary unit in an attempt to reveal the structure of the vocabulary in a language. This study, based on Ibsen's word field theory, confirmed the internal consistency of the word fields found in Spanish verbal locution, collocation, and phraseology for determining to specify meaning, Lexical Solidarity. Its purpose is to reveal the structure, moreover, Coseriu’s Lexical Solidarity considers the word field’s lexical structure begun in Ibsen as an integrated structure, and sees that the lexical unit has a systematic structure due to the limitations of the word field composition. Therefore, when analyzing the lexical structure of the representative Lexical Solidarity. We will examine the coherence between the standardized lexical units by the isolation of morphology and meaning caused by the word sets and the sequential properties of each lexical unit.