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The purpose of this study is to investigate the individual variables of hotel employees’ customer dysfunctional behavior, job burnout, customer orientation and calling, and further to analyze their relationships comprehensively. For this study, a questionnaire survey of employees who served for five-star hotels located in Busan and Jeju was conducted, and as for the sampling method, convenience sampling was used. The results of hypothesis testing are as follows: First, it was found that the hotel employees’ customer dysfunctional behavior had significant positive (+) effects on their job burnout, showing that the higher their perceived customer dysfunctional behavior, the higher their job burnout. Second, it was found that the hotel employees’ job burnout had significant negative (-) effects on their customer orientation. Third, it was found that the influence of the hotel employees’ customer dysfunctional behavior on their job burnout varied according to the levels of their calling, and thus the moderating effect of a sense of calling was confirmed. It may be said that this study upholds notable significance to the verification of relationship between hotel employees’ customer dysfunctional behavior and their job burnout. Furthermore, the importance of this study rests on the fact that it is an empirical study that used calling as a moderator in order to identify a psychological mechanism that moderates the positive effects of hotel employees’ customer dysfunctional behavior on job burnout.