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The purpose of this study is to explore the semantic function of the '-ul swu eps-' construction in column articles and analyze it from a genre grammar perspective. '-ul swu eps-' has been treated as one of the negative expressions as a linguistic form that indicates 'denial of ability' or 'impossibility', but this study aims to reveal that '-ul swu eps-' functions as a modality form that goes beyond the negative expression and reveals the speaker's resolute attitude toward the situation. Since the modality of '-ul swu eps-' can be realized by interpreting the context of the whole text rather than the semantic level of the sentence, this study examined the frequency of '-ul swu eps-' in 2,095 column articles in the last three months, and randomly selected 150 of them to qualitatively analyze their usage patterns and semantic functions. Furthermore, by comparing the frequency of occurrence and semantic functions of ‘-myen an doy-’ and '-ki eoryeop', ‘-ul li eps-' which are significantly related to '-ul swu eps-', we interpreted why '-ul swu eps-' is preferred in column articles based on a genre grammar perspective. The significance of this study is that the modality of '-ul swu eps-', which has been briefly or ambiguously discussed on sentence semantics, has been more concretized on text semantics.