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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine relationships among consumer experience (sensory experience; affective experience; intellectual experience; behavioral experience), trust, commitment, and use intention in the metaverse market. Finally, we attempted to provide meaningful implications for consumer experience in metaverse platform. Research design, data, and methodology: This study conducted an online survey after having 298 adult male and female living in the metropolitan area, Korea experience the metaverse market such as Samsung Electronics and Gucci. First, an confirmative factor analysis was performed to confirm reliability and validity. Second, a discriminant validity was conducted based on the reliability and confirmative factor analysis results. Finally, we tested hypotheses and model fit. Results: First, in correlation between consumer experience and trust, among the sub-types of consumer experience, affective experience and intellectual experience have been found to have positive effects on consumer trust. On the other hand, sensory and behavioral experiences are found to have no significant effects on consumer trust. Second, in correlation between consumer experience and commitment, among the sub-types of consumer experience, it has been found that sensory and behavioral experiences have positive effects on consumer commitment. Meanwhile, affective and intellectual experiences are found to have no significant effects on consumer commitment. Third, it has been found that consumer commitment and trust have positive effects on intention to use the metaverse. Implications: This study implicated present how to devise effective communication strategies in operating a metaverse platform regarding consumer needs and rapidly changing consumer market environment.