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Indonesia can be categorized as a middle power due to its large territory, the country being the world's fourth-largest population, and growing economic and military power. Therefore, the Indonesian government makes diplomatic efforts to create a middle power status and role in the international community. This paper examines how Indonesia seeks the role of a middle power in the international community in the face of the war in Ukraine. As the analytical framework for developing the paper, the logic of role theory and hedging strategy is borrowed. Indonesia pursues its role enactment by first, becoming a voice of developing countries and promoting the role of a middle power in the war situation in Ukraine facing the international community. Second, Indonesia has shown a willingness to be a bridge builder/mediator in the Ukrainian war. Third, taking a hedging strategy, maintaining the middleman position between the warring parties, and trying to solve the world food crisis in the process. Therefore, Indonesia's diplomatic strategy can be understood as part of building a middle power status and role.