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This study examined the literary exchanges among intellectuals at the National Central University, which served as a representative university in the capital during the Nanjing Nationalist Government. Until 1927, the National Central University, which had been a stronghold of conservative literary tendencies, including the Xueheng School, suppressed the emergence of new literature under the control of old-fashioned literature and conservative cultural norms. In addition, the National Central University received financial support from the Nanjing Nationalist Government when it became a capital university, but due to the expansion of party politics, academic freedom and institutional autonomy were significantly violated. However, the conservative atmosphere of the university changed with the emergence of literary figures such as Wen Yiduo and Xu Zhimo. The students at National Central University who were influenced by these literary figures engaged in various creative activities that effectively integrated new literature both within and outside the university. This laid a solid foundation for the subsequent growth of new literature in Nanjing, with National Central University at its center. In particular, poets such as Chen Mengjia, Fang Weide, and Sun Zufen, who were graduates of National Central University, were all individuals who had received a traditional education and excelled in writing an old form of poetry. However, while studying under new literary figures such as Wen Yiduo, Xu Zhimo, and Xu Zhongnian at National Central University, they began to create poems that aligned with the theories of the Crescent Moon Society. The commonality among these three individuals is that they all had a high level of literary proficiency, enabling them to apply elements such as poetic diction, rhythmic patterns, and meter from traditional forms of poetry to the development of modern new-style poetry in China. Furthermore, through their free exchange and creation of works that reflected new literary trends, they demonstrated that there are no absolute barriers between different literary movements, transcending the divisions between the Crescent Moon Society and the Xueheng School. They showcased the potential for diverse elements to coexist harmoniously and contribute to each other’s constructive growth in the realm of new literature.