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This article reexamines the conventional 7Cs framework for effective communication (Broom & Sha, 2013). An alternative 4Cs framework is advocated. The 7Cs include: completeness, correctness, clarity, conciseness, concreteness, consideration, and courteousness. The proposed 4Cs framework retains two of the Cs in the conventional 7Cs framework (namely, concreteness and consideration) and adds two attributes (context and creativity). Concreteness subsumes completeness, correctness, clarity, and conciseness; consideration subsumes courtesy. It does not seem possible for a piece of communication to be concrete, yet lack in completeness, correctness, clarity, and conciseness. Similarly, any communication that reflects consideration is also courteous. It is further argued that of the proposed 4Cs, the context is the most critical element. It is the central theme or purpose around which the message is composed. See Figure 1. Each of the proposed four elements of effective communication is explained with examples.