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Objectives: Numerous attempts have been made to penetrate the global music markets. A successful entry scales substantially up the profit stream otherwise generated, although the chance of success is very slim. It is thereby imperative to implement a well-designed globalization plan. This paper introduces one such case, Anitta’s Checkmate project, and illustrates its major strategic constituents and well-coordinated marketing communication campaign. Methods: The case of Anitta’s Checkmate project described in this paper paves the way for going global in the recorded music industry. Our case analysis focuses on deciphering various strategic elements of the Checkmate project and forwards their conceptual underpinnings and practical implications. Results: The Checkmate project makes Anitta’s global debut seamlessly. This project is featured mostly by Anitta’s collaboration with a thoughtful selection of internationally renowned artists. Other than this co-branding strategy, Anitta adopts a diverse array of communication tactics that together create both online and offline buzz for her global launch. Lastly, Anitta’s never-ending investment in building her own personal brand stretches her successful globalization further to even today. Conclusions: The case study in this paper showcases a new blend of marketing communication strategies for going global in the recorded music industry, thereby lending keen insights into what should be part of a well-designed globalization plan.