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미국은 인사청문회를 연방헌법 제정 당시인 1787년부터 현재까지 236년을 운영, 우리나라의 경우 2000년에 인사청문회법이 제정되어 현재 제도를 운영한 지 23년밖에 되지 않았다. 현재 우리나라 인사청문회는 대통령과 국회 간 권력의 견제와 균형을 유지하는 수단이 아닌 여야 정쟁의 장으로 변질되었다. 인사청문회에서 후보자에 대한 직무 적격성보다는 윤리/도덕성에 대한 비난이 주를 이루고 있는데, 이는 사전 인사검증 단계에서 후보자에 대한 검증이 철저히 이루어지지 않기 때문이다. 이를 해결하기 위하여 첫째, 인사청문회 운영 단계를 사전 인사검증과 인사청문 단계로 구분하여 사전 인사검증에서 후보자의 도덕성을 엄격히 검증하고 인사청문회에서 후보자의 전문성과 직무적합성에 대하여 검증하기를 제안한다. 둘째, 사전 인사검증 절차와 기준의 법제화를 제안한다. 셋째, 사전 인사검증 결과의 공유를 제안한다. 넷째, 과거처럼 대통령비서실에서 사전 인사검증을 총괄하는 방안을 제안한다. 마지막으로 사전 인사검증 단계의 마지막 절차로 이해관계자와 국민으로부터 후보자에 대한 의견 청취를 제안한다.

Personnel Hearing serves as a gateway for appointing high-level officials, and through the these hearings, the National Assembly evaluates the ethics and qualifications of the nominees, whom been nominated by the President. While the power of appointment for officials by the President and the approval of the National Assembly have been stipulated since the enactment of the Constitution, the Personnel Hearing System was first regulated in the National Assembly Act in February 2000, and the Personnel Hearing Act was enacted in June of the same year. However, this Personnel Hearing System has consistently raised doubts about its effectiveness since its introduction and has been distorted into a battleground for political fights between the ruling party and the opposition, focusing more on personal attacks rather than verifying the policy capabilities of the nominees. Among the countries that hold personnel hearings, the United States is the first country to establish the Personnel Hearing System in Constitution and adopted Montesquieu's model of separation of powers, aiming to achieve the "balance by checking" among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. After declaring independence from Britain on July 4, 1776, the United States, in order to prevent the President from exercising power like a king as in the colonial era, devised various measures to reduce the authority of the executive branch and strengthen the power of the legislative branch. The Personnel Hearing requires the President to nominate candidates and obtain consent from the Senate from the perspective of "check and balance." The distinctive feature of the US Personnel Hearing is that it is open to the public from the nomination stage, with all procedures and criteria being made public and candidates are thoroughly verified. In order to ensure the proper operation of Personnel Hearing in Korea, this study examines the current system, and tries to derive measures to improve especially the current nomination stage through comparative analysis with the United States. As a result to enhance the effectiveness of the Personnel Hearing, firstly, this study proposes to divide the stages of the Personnel Hearing into nomination and confirmation stage. This study proposes to strictly verify the ethics of the nominees in the nomination stage and verify their expertise and job suitability in the confirmation stage. Secondly, the legislation of the procedures and criteria for nomination stage is proposed. Thirdly, the possibility of sharing the results of nomination stage is proposed. Fourthly, this study proposes to establish a system where the nomination stage is overseen by the Presidential Secretariat. Lastly, as the final procedure of the nomination stage, this study proposes to have a hearing from the interested parties and the public regarding the nominees.