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일제강점기 아동문학 서평을 서발비평, 동요집・동화집, 아동문학선집, 동요곡집으로 나누어 살펴보았다. 문단에서 푸대접 받았던 아동문학은 출판된 도서의 20% 안팎에 그칠 정도로 서평이 많지 않았다. 서평은 도서를 소개하고 독자의 도서 선택을 돕는 기능을 한다. 더불어 저자와 출판사의 입장에서 보면 도서 홍보의 효과가 있어 도서 판매라는 영리와 연결되었다. 이런 점에서 서평은 저자나 출판사가 주로 지인과 권위자에게 의뢰하였다. 사정이 이러하다 보니 호평 일색이었고, 평가의 의미는 미약했다. 그러나 독립적인 평문에서는 날카로운 비평이 많았고, 의뢰 받은 서평에서도 비록 에둘러 표현했지만 비판적인 평가가 없지 않았다. 일제강점기 아동문학 서평은 여러 모로 부족한 점이 많았지만 오늘날의 관점에서 볼 때 전사(前史)로서의 역사적 가치가 있다. 그리고 아동문학 독서의 장을 형성하는 데 일정한 기여를 하였으며, 아동문학 문단의 자기 갱신을 가능케 한 초석의 의미도 있다.

I analyze the book reviews for children’s literature from Japanese colonial era by dividing them into the following: reviews of preface and postscripts; children’s story and tale collections; children’s literature anthology; and children’s song collections. Children’s literature was poorly treated in the literary world, and reviews accounted for only about 20% of published books. Book reviews function to introduce books and help readers choose. In addition, from the perspective of authors and publishers, it has promotional effects that leads to sales. For this reason, book reviews were mostly commissioned by authors or publishers to acquaintances and authorities, thus being favorable for sales but not significant in terms of criticism. However, there was a lot of sharp criticism in independent reviews, and even in requested reviews some expressed their criticism indirectly. Book reviews of children’s literature from the Japanese colonial period were lacking in many ways, but they hold historical value from today’s point of view. In addition, they contributed to the formation of the field of children’s literature and functioned as a cornerstone enabling self-renewal of the literary circle. In the future, it is necessary to progress to book review research of the liberation period and beyond. This will show what effects book reviews had on the development and readership of Korean children’s literature, consequently giving direction to the current and future publication of children’s literature as well as the reader’s choice.