초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this paper is to show the relations of acceptability changes between the lexical causative and lexical passive constructions. In order to do this, using the constructions with homomorphic causative/passive verbs, the acceptability between the lexical causative and lexical passive constructions is investigated through questionnaire survey and the analysis of the result is executed by SPSS 27.0 program. The paper is structured as follows. First, the acceptability between the lexical causative and lexical passive constructions is presented using descriptive statistics. In order to examine the changes in the acceptability between the lexical causative and lexical passive constructions, the 'Welch test' is conducted in this analysis. I focus on comparing the acceptability between the lexical causative and lexical passive constructions according to the age groups, respectively. Afterwards, it is demonstrated through Pearson correlation analysis and Two Way Anova that there are some relationships between the changes in the acceptability between the lexical causative and lexical passive constructions. Also, the tendencies of the acceptability changes is claimed to be predicted in the lexical causative and the lexical passive constructions. Finally, the thesis concludes by presenting a hypothesis of the interactions on the acceptability between lexical causative and lexical passive constructions.