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현실의 정책과정에서 정책도구를 실행한 이후에 나타나는 결과상태가 당초 기대했던 것과 차이가 나는 경우가 발견된다. 도입 당시에 효과적이었던 정책도구가 시간이 흐름에 따라서 그렇지 않을 수 있다. 정책도구의 효과가 시간과 상황 등 변화로 인하여 변화한다면 이에 대한 대안을 모색하는 것이 필요하다. 이 연구에서는 한국의 음식물쓰레기 종량제 효과 여부와 효과성 변화 양상을 기초자치단체 패널데이터를 분석하여 제시하였다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 종량제를 도입하면 음식물쓰레기 배출량이 유의하게 줄어든다. 종량제를 도입하면 비용 부과 방식이 전환되고 배출 가격이 인상된다. 종량제 도입 이후 음식물쓰레기가 감소하는 것은 배출 단위당 가격이 책정하는 방식을 도입하고 배출 가격을 인상하여 주민의 배출량과 수수료 간 연계성에 대한 인식이 높아진 결과로 볼 수 있다. 둘째, 음식물쓰레기 배출량은 종량제를 시행하고 있음에도 불구하고 기간이 경과할 수 록 다시 증가하였다. 음식물쓰레기 종량제의 효과가 점차 약화되는 것이다. 종량제의 효과성 저하는 금전적 수단을 통해 친환경적 행동을 유도하려는 방식의 한계를 보여주는 현상이다. 한편으로 생활양식 회귀, 불충분한 유인, 교육과 홍보 활동 감소 등에서도 이유를 찾을 수 있다.

In the policy-making process, it is common for the outcomes of policy tools to differ from initial expectations. Policy tools that were effective at the time of implementation may become ineffective over time due to changing circumstances. Therefore, it is crucial to identify such phenomena and seek alternatives when necessary. This study investigates the effectiveness of the pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) food waste system in Korea and examines changes in its effectiveness over time by analyzing panel data of local governments. The results reveal that the implementation of the PAYT system has a significant impact on reducing food waste emissions. By introducing the PAYT system and raising the price of emissions, the charging model is shifted, leading to a decrease in food waste emissions. The reduction in food waste emissions can be attributed to the heightened awareness among residents of the link between emissions and fees. This is achieved by setting a price per unit of cost emission and raising the emission price. However, despite the implementation of the PAYT system, the amount of food waste emissions has increased over time. The effectiveness of the pricing system has gradually weakened, and there are limitations to inducing eco-friendly behavior solely through economic tools. Several factors contribute to the weakening effectiveness of the PAYT system, including a return to old lifestyles, insufficient incentives, and reduced education and publicity activities. The findings of this study suggest that while the PAYT system can be effective in reducing food waste emissions, it may not be a sustainable solution in the long run. Therefore, policymakers should consider alternative policy tools that can complement the PAYT system and ensure its continued effectiveness. Additionally, it is essential to increase awareness among residents about the importance of reducing food waste emissions and to provide sufficient incentives to encourage eco-friendly behavior. Further research is needed to identify other potential policy tools that can be integrated with the PAYT system to achieve a more sustainable reduction in food waste emissions. In conclusion, this study sheds light on the effectiveness of the PAYT system in reducing food waste emissions in Korea. The results highlight the importance of identifying changing circumstances that affect the effectiveness of policy tools and seeking alternative solutions. Policymakers should consider a comprehensive approach that includes multiple policy tools and addresses various aspects of the problem to achieve a sustainable reduction in food waste emissions.