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Many works of literature are not conceptualized or recognized and classified as peace literature (PL). Reasons include unfamiliarity with the genre, limited intentional PL writing, and difficulty defining and delimiting it. To increase recognition of PL, this paper sets out to describe the genre and show how literature can be analyzed through a peace lens, focusing on a piece of historical literature for young adults by novelist Kashmira Sheth (2007), Keeping Corner. A close reading informed by a systematic conceptualization of peace shows that the author makes significant choices in the genre, content, and techniques employed to critically and creatively foreground and highlight peace as a transformative process and desirable outcome. In so doing, she contributes to peace in and through literature. This paper concludes faithful to its commitment to the tripartite of education, research, and action for peace, by summarizing, discussing the value of PL, advocating for its development and promotion, and briefly indicating ways of doing so.