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This study investigated the usage of wh-questions by a chatbot for English education, within the framework of the 2022 revised national curriculum, which highlights the use of AI technology and edutech in English language teaching and learning. Initially, we analyzed both the lexical and structural features of the example sentences at the elementary English level in the curriculum and identified ten types of wh-questions that would be suitable for elementary English. With reference to the ten types of wh-questions, we explored the conversational experiences provided by AI Pengtalk, a chatbot widely used by elementary English learners. In particular, we examined the formal and functional characteristics of 185 wh-questions in the chatbot’s speaking task. Notable parallels and divergences were identified between the chatbot and elementary English textbooks. For example, both frequently used what-questions, while only the chatbot regularly employed why-questions. Furthermore, the chatbot was found to incorporate at least five different types of wh-questions across all conversation topics, providing many opportunities to practice various roles in meaningful contexts. These findings may contribute to improving chatbots for foreign language learners and advancing edutech-based English education programs.